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DNS Check is a free website monitoring service
Hrent房仲網 4cmart.com/Hrent / 2016-04-26

 DNS although seemingly not so directly affect the site, but it is an indispensable intermediary link to the site, if the DNS can not resolve connect properly, it will not open the case of the occurrence of the site, in particular, DNS updates need more than a few hours time, thus maintaining normal DNS stability is particularly important.

DNS Check is a free website monitoring service, the main difference is that it checks for the DNS record, that is, when you monitor and record return different results, or abnormal situation, DNS Check will be able to notice the first time, to avoid errors causing any loss. Can detect problems include:
Domain Name Server did not respond
Parse out the wrong IP address
DNS record loss
Duplicate DNS records
Back pass wrong MX records
Forward and reverse DNS records different
IP addresses are deleted from the SPF record
Domain Name Server sync
Invalid SPF record


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