Global WiFi Box uses 採用 台灣之星 T STAR 4G WiFi Internet
價格為每日租金, 數量欄請填入租用天數, 一律不收押金 (WiFi Box 可接受5支智慧型手機相當於5門號網路漫遊)
涵蓋範圍最廣 22縣市, 自台北市到屏東縣恆春.
有純4G, 純3G, 4G和3G並存的區域之分.
No limitation to any brand or ISP of WiFi phone. All models of WiFi smart phones can be connected.
任何一家的WiFi手機都能加入.(不限定中華電信的機, 不限定是遠傳的機, 不限定台灣之星的手機).
User details is submited after your order is confirmed.
Destination: Taiwan 目的地: 台灣
Payment: by PayPal or Credit Card
Amount: NT$281 x Num of Days (= Total charge)
Please choose hand carry for free freight on check-out, if you are to receive the box in a Taiwan's hotel.