描述: 描述: 描述: sign2.pngWiFi’s Global Connection on 4Cmart.com

4mart.com shall develop more than 80 countries of reaching service for WiFi’s connection on oversea travel. Tourist is able to buy this lease on 4cmart.com and switch his WiFi smarthone to 4cmart’s 4G in destined hotel. The rate is counted by daliy base. See more at..


For this end, we need many part-time salesmen.


Talent people with salesmanship, especially about TRAVEL AGENCY industry are invited. Good and continuous commission is offered. Only one for each big city will be used.


Submit a copy of passport.


Sign a simple agreement of promoting Global WiFi.


自由認購 4G WiFi 吃到飽帳號1 (台灣之星, 亞太, …其中一家由4cmart安排.)


名額有限, 詳細洽 wifi@4cmart.com  或電 07-3645325

描述: Card_font 22


One box can be shared by 5 smartphones or devices.